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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Annawilundwa Wetland - Bird Waching

Annaiwilundawa ia a freshwater complex it’s was declared a sanctuary in 1997 as second Ramsar site in Sri Lanka, situated in the Puttalam District 15km north of chilaw(70 45' 0 N and 790 47' 0 E to 70 42' 0 N and 790 59' 0 E) northwestern province , is the second largest wetland cluster in this island, Annaiwilundawa is ‘seven  tanks’ in Tamil language , This is a very important wetland for many resident and migratory birds. it’s covered 40 hectare, rain fall 1000mm per annum & area temperature 28c approximately, it’s covered around 1390 hectare, represent Dry Zone forest type annual rain fall 1000mm to 1500mm,annual temperature 26 c,

A total of 290 plant species which represent 24 aquatic plants, 120 woody plants, 61 shrub, 49 herbaceous, 34 climbers and 281 vertebrate species ,47 fish, 11 amphibians, 34 reptiles, 168 birds, 21 mammals,

11 amphibians include 1 endemic species & 1 national theater specie,168 birds species include 2 endemic species & 8 national threaded species, fish include 3 endemic & 2 national threaded, mammals include 1 endemic & reptiles include 6 national threaded species,