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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kithulgala- (Kalani Valley Forest Reservation) - Bird Waching

This was the setting for the  Academy Award-winning "The Bridge on the River Kwai" was filmed, in the 50’s about which Kithulgala is famous for, Purpose of establishing this forest was protecting watershed of Kalani river, this green shade main entrance situated Colombo Hatton main road near the Famous “Kithulgala Rest House”exactly just after 37 km post on A7 ,Oruwa (boat) available to cross the river  & through the village facilitate enter this wildness.
Behavior is gold when you through the village, The Kelani river is wide at Kitulgala, but it is shallow apart from a deep channel near the opposite bank, so in the drier months it seems like safe but not recommend place to swim and play.

The agriculture around Kitulgala is typical of the hilly wet zone. The Sago Palm, Caryota urens, which is called Kitul in Singhela, gives rise to the town's name. Its sap is concentrated into delicious syrup, not dissimilar to maple syrup, and crystallised as jaggery. It is also fermented to make toddy. The pith is used to make sago, and the fibres to make rope.
As per record Sri Lanka most wanted Serandib Scops-Owl (Otus thilohoffmanni) first Tape-record captured as unknown Bird in this’s Wet Zone Rain forest as same as Singharaja witch  including many rich streams inside forest, some highlight about  Biodiversity of this are as follows,

Birding Highlights

Birding: Black-capped Bulbul, Yellow-fronted Barbet, Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot, Layard’s Parakeet, Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill, Sri Lanka Green Pigeon, Green-billed Coucal, Chestnut-backed Owlet,Crimson-backed Flameback, Sri Lanka Crested Drongo, Brown-capped Babbler, Sri Lanka Scimitar Babbler, Orange-billed Babbler, Serendib Scops Owl, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Malabar Trogon,Brown-headed Barbet, Brown Hawk Owl, Southern Coucal, Black-backed Dwarf Kingfisher, Crested Serpent Eagle, Jerdon’s & Gold-fronted Leafbird, Dark-fronted Babbler, Orange Minivet, Square-tailed Black Bulbul, Lesser Hill Myna, Yellow-browed Bulbul, Indian Pitta, Forest Wagtail, Purple-rumped & Long-billed Sunbirds, Pale-billed Flowerpecker, Brown-breasted Flycatcher, Oriental White-eye, Lesser Yellownape, Rufous Woodpecker, Black-rumped Flameback, Asian Palm & House Swifts, Indian Swiftlet, Crested Treeswift, Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Tickell’s Blue Flycacther, Green Imperial Pigeon, Black Eagle & Rufous-bellied Hawk Eagle.

Dragonflies and Damselflies: Spine-tufted Skimmer, Pied Parasol, Black-tipped Flashwing, Asian Pintail, Yerbury’s Elf, & Shining Gossamerwing.

Butterflies: Sri Lanka Birdwing, Clipper, Cruiser, Glad-eye Bushbrown, Plum Judy, Blue Bottle, Red Helan & Blue Mormon.Blue,Commander,if you lucky ORK Lieaf

Mammals: Grizzly Giant Squirrel, Palm Squirrel, Layard’s Squirrel and Toque Macaque.

Snakes -Green wine snake,Dumburu Dath katiya,Geeen pit viper,