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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Udawalawa National Park - Bird Watching

This park most popular destination elephant safari, it recently establish national park declared with the intention of conservations   the catchments area of the reservoir & providing a refuge for wildlife displaced by the opening up of land for agriculture & other purposes in the lower reaches of the kalawa river

Park covers 30,821 hectares it was declared as a national park 1972 under Fauna & flora protection ordinance. before the declare as a forest this land completely taken over by Chena cultivation, after delareing,it’s gradually covered by vegetation & considering habitant for giant elephant.
Park boundaries lies in the Rathnapura District in Sabaragamuwa province & monaragala District In Uva Provinces, the area to the west bank of Walawe river is within Rathnapura District  & on the east bank is in the Monaragala District.This is mager conservation park situated that area. Highest point of the park Ulgala it’s 3,405 M.
Two small villages situated park namely Sinuggala & Nebeds Kalthote escarpment & enchanting Diyawinna Fall adding prominent appearance this land.

This peaceful park is belong to dry zone because of that it face short dry period February to march each year but sometime this period prolong to September,Annual rain fall 1530mm approximately expecting from inter –monsoon & North monsoon  seasons, temperature recording 32c through out the year,

Samba,Spotted deer,Barking Deer,Wild boad,Water buffalo,Toque-Macaque,Common Langur,Asian Eliphant,Jakal,Bear,Toddy Cat,Leopard,Black-Naped Hare,Small Indial Civet
Golden Palm Civet,Mongoose,Shrew Rat,Soff-furred field Rat,Indian Bush Rat,Mouse

Satin (Chloroxylon swietenia),Halmilla (Berrya cordifolia),Ebony(Diospyros ebenum),Ehala (Cassia fiatula),Kolon (Adina cordifolia),Milla (Vitex pinnata),Kon (Schleichera oleosa)
Kunumella (Diospyros ovalifolia),Kumbuk (Terminalia arjuna),Mondorang (Hopea Cardifolia)

Variable Flutterer,Dancing Dropwing,Wandering Glider,Foggy-winged Twister,Scarlet Basker,
Blue Percher,Blue Pursuer,Oriental Scarlet.

Plain Tiger,Glassy Tiger,Pioneer,Crimson Rose,Common Rose,Lime Butterfly,Common Gull,
Common Jezebel, Tawny Coster, Common Cerulean, Grey Pansy,Lemon Pansy,Peacock Pansy,Lemon Emigrant,Psyche.

Scrub covering Damaniya(Grewia tiliarfolia),Mana(Cymbopogon confertiflorus),Illuk (Imperata cylindrical),pohon(pennisstum olystachyon),Gadapana(Lantana camara),Kuratiya(Phylanthus polyphyllus)

Via Colombo-Rathnapura-Palmadulla-Embilipitiya Road ,At Thimbolketiya turn left at Udawalawa Junction  to take Thanamalwila,Main gate open to the park at Udawalawe,Thanamalwila road 12 km from udawalawa Junction.